Monday, June 29, 2015

About time! Colorado and New Mexico!

Sunday, June 28, 2015
We're off again.
It's been way too long since our last trip, and I've been ready for a while. We're traveling with my parents again, heading for cooler Colorado. We drove through Walnut Springs going to Stephenville and then north to Wichita Falls. The cowboy church let out just before we got to Stephenville, and it took 20 minutes to get a half a mile.
Giant marshmallow farm!
We had planned on going to Amarillo, but we decided to stop near Clarendon at a city park. After driving north of Clarendon 4 miles, they said we could stay, but not Sadie. No dogs allowed. So we backtracked to Yankees Rv park on the east side of Clarendon. Not exactly an Rv park, but more of a parking lot next to the highway with electricity. And the electricity was in the form of a 50 amp outlet, and no discernible breaker or fuse. The fuse was missing from the dilapidated box. I had already paid $30 for the priveledge of staying here, and the owner decided it would be better for her to go to a hardware store and buy two adapters. So we waited. We were tired enough that we got a good night sleep.
Shelly making breakfast.
Our beautiful campsite.

Monday, June 29
What can I say about west Texas, except we made it across! Long monotonous drive. After filling up with gas in Raton, we decided we were tired of driving, so we checked Allstays for a place to stay. There were 3 places in Raton, but none looked good. We found a great spot on top of Raton Pass, called Raton pass camp. It has great views to the south, and is high enough in elevation that it is cool. It got down to about 60 at night.
The view from our site.
The view of our Airstreams from below. 
Tuesday, June 30
We tried to see if Rocky Mountain national park had any last minute cancellations, but to no avail. So we decided to drive to our original destination west of Pueblo Colorado. We got the last two spots available in la vista campground on lake San Isabel and set up camp before noon. It is a great camp, and has electricity. Even though the camp is at 8500 feet elevation, in the sun it was almost hot, so we were thankful for the electricity. We'll be able to stay here through the Fourth of July, so that takes the pressure off on finding a camp for the holiday. The sites with electricity are only $24 a night. Shelly and I walked around camp in the afternoon, and dad and I hiked down to the lake later in the day.
We met Bob and Esther Brothers, and after mom showed them the 59 Airstream, they wanted to buy our 63 when we finish it. 
970-259-0859 from Durango, Co. 

Wednesday, July 1
We rode with mom and dad to see Bishop's castle about 6 miles north of camp. We had been there about 20 years ago, and wanted to see it again. Jim Bishop had started building a castle years ago, and worked alone. It is impressive, and amazing that one person built the castle, but the workmanship has gone downhill since he started. Some of his engineering is questionable at best, but I had fun climbing to the top of the towers, hoping this was not the day it decided to fall. Shelly and I drove to Rye to get groceries. Mom cooked salmon, and Shelly made zucchini and tomatoes for lunch. We started hiking around the lake, but it started thundering, so the hike was cut short. We ended up playing triple Yahtzee, until it quit raining, and then stood by a campfire until dark. Mom won at Yahtzee, and I lost. The temperature was about 60, so the fire felt good. 

Thursday, July 2
I walked Sadie down to the creek, and decided to stretch and exercise on a picnic table. I jogged back to camp, and Sadie was tired. Shelly said Sadie didn't want to do much the rest of the day. I hiked the Cisneros trail up to a cabin and old mine. The host said it was a mile and a half to the cabin, so I told Shelly I'd be back in about two hours. Only it was a mile to the trail head, then a mile and a half to the cutoff to the cabin.
Old cabin on the trail
Columbine flower
Then it was almost a half mile to the mine.
The trail was steep, but the scenery was worth it. I started paying more attention after I saw the fresh bear poop on the trail, but I never saw a bear. The cabin was very old, but had a new deck, and window shutters and door. It was right on a creek, and in a beautiful location. It is very secluded and only accessible by trail.
 A waterfall above the mine
I got back after about four hours, but Shelly is used to me underestimating time. We had 16 bean soup for lunch, and was delicious. I took two beano pills with it, but I think they had the opposite effect on me. Wow is all I can say. We played triple Yahtzee again, and was very close, with only 19 points difference between dad's winning score of 1735, and my losing score of 1716. Shelly had 1718, and mom had 1726. 

Friday, July 3
Beautiful sunny morning. We had been told of a scenic drive, so we drove north on Colorado 165 past Bishop's castle, and turned left by Ophir creek. We stopped to cut some firewood, because we're too cheap to buy it. We found a beaver pond on a creek, and stopped for a picnic lunch.

We took several pictures of baby ducks, old cabins, and a two holer outhouse.
We drove to the top of the mountain, and got cell phone service, so we made several calls. Mom says the views remind her of the movie "the sound of music".
We checked out Ophir creek campground, but decided it is not as nice as the one we are in. I lost at Yahtzee again, while we waited out the rain, and dad won again. We stood by a fire again, and mom was impressed how a blow dryer turns the fire into a furnace. We made plans for where we're going after here. 
Nice sunset in Lavista campground

 Saturday, July 4
I exercised by the creek again, using rocks as weights. Dad wanted to see the old mine at the top of the Cisneros trail, so we hiked to see it.

We left about 10, and got back around 2. We scrambled around the old mine, and found what we think was where a water wheel was.
The amount of work that went into the mine building is astonishing.
 Dad enjoyed scrambling around the ruins.

We took our time hiking, and enjoyed perfect weather.
It was thundering as we were on our way down, but cooler. Back at camp, I started a fire to cook bratwurst on. Shelly cut up, and seasoned some zucchini that we grilled also. As we were eating it started sprinkling on us, which it had done the past 3 days, but before we could get inside, it started pouring down. The wind got up also, so we had to put the awning away in the rain. We played Yahtzee again with me losing. Again. Seems to be a pattern here. Shelly came in second. It was a cool 55 degrees and windy this evening, so Shelly and I watched a movie. A goofy movie called sign of the otter, with terrible acting, but the scenery was decent. It was so bad, we ended up pretending it was supposed to be a comedy. 

Sunday, July 5
Another cool sunny morning. Packed up and moved north. We drove back to i25 and north to Denver. On the way, I wanted to rest, so I took the first exit to find a parking lot big enough to pull over in. There was nothing close at that exit, so we got back on the freeway. The next exit had several gas stations listed, but when we exited, it took us off the freeway about a half a mile before we could find a parking lot. The gas station was older, and too small for two trailers, so we tried to get back on the freeway. Easier said than done. After going north on the access road about a mile, the gps said to take a right. So we did. We finally found a large church parking lot, and took a rest, but had to drive a mile and a half south to get back on I25. In Denver, I decided to get gas before going into the mountains. Shelly found gas for $2.57 on gas buddy, so we took that exit. Naturally the gas station was a mile off the freeway. We turned left to get to the gas station, but there was no entrance to the station, and no u turn at the next intersection. After going into a residential neighborhood, we finally got turned around In a cul de sac. Whew. Back on the interstate, we headed uphill on I70 going west uphill on about a 7% incline. In the rain. Heavy rain. All the way through Central city, up and down 8% inclines. In the rain. Heavy rain. We got to cold springs camp, and found two sites next to each other. 15 and 16. After a late lunch, we played Yahtzee again with the same results. Me losing. That is 5 straight losses. Now that my bad luck is used up, I am ready for the casino. Ha! I walked up the trail to a vista on top of the mountain, and got several good pictures. 
Panoramic shot!

Monday, July 6
Well it rained all night the day I left. Dad drove us to black hawk and Central City. We stopped at an older casino and used their parking lot. Shelly won $15 in about 10 minutes, and mom, dad, and I lost a couple of dollars. We decided to walk around to check out the town. Several stores were closed, and after about 30 minutes, we decided to eat at Red Dolly's casino for lunch. I had a French dip roast beef sandwich, and Shelly had their club sandwich. They were both delicious. Shelly and I both lost a dollar there, and we drove to Black Hawk to another casino. We parked on the third level, and spent about 20 minutes there. We both lost a couple of dollars there. Shelly's winnings made up for my losses. We got back to camp, and we got our truck. We took two trucks to Nederland to wash clothes and buy groceries. Dad and I went to a rock shop nearby to check it out. Back at camp, we found out there is rain forecast for several days everywhere in Colorado. We decided the rain would be more tolerable in a lower elevation, but we're not sure which way to go. 

Tuesday, July 7
We decided on driving toward Colorado Springs, and I remember reading on Airforum that Ray Eklund lives near there. We called and let him know we were in town, and he invited us to come meet them and have dinner. We drove to his house in Castle rock, and visited for an hour, before Nancy got home. They live in a beautiful neighborhood, and have a 6000 square foot house that is equally as beautiful. We got to see his collection of books, fossils, arrowheads, barbed wire, dice, minerals, chalcedony, pottery, art, juke boxes, antique slot machines, and other assorted stuff. It is impressive and we got to know them better. Shelly is now looking forward to next week in southwest New Mexico, instead of dreading going camping with strangers. Mom and dad are now considering going with us to go camping there. They asked us to stay in their upstairs bedrooms, but ended up talking us into staying in the road in front of their house. Nancy prepared pork loin, potatoes, salad, and snap peas, with ice cream for dessert. It was all delicious. Shelly and I visited with them and drank a few beers until 10 that night. Dad was feeling bad, so they skipped visiting again. 

Wednesday, July 8
We awoke to a light tapping on our door at 4:30 A. M. Actually the tapping woke up Sadie, and her yapping woke us up. Mom said dad hadn't slept at all, and needed to go to the hospital. He was unable to urinate, and in severe pain. We drove into Castle Rock to the hospital, and got dad checked in. After catheterizing dad, they were able to relieve his pain, but suggested him going to a urologist. We left after several hours, and made it back to Ray and Nancy's house in time for breakfast. She made scrambled eggs, with veggies, toast, bacon, bagels, and raspberry jam. All delicious again. We decided to drive back south to Raton pass Rv park today and try to get to Santa Fe tomorrow. Mom was driving today, and did great. She said she enjoyed pulling the Airstream, and was glad she is now over her fear of pulling it. We checked in, and had a relaxing evening. 

Thursday, July 9
We left Raton about 9:15 and drove south on I25. Mom was driving again, and after about 45 minutes I noticed her pulling over to stop. I stopped and started backing up. I backed up about a hundred yards, until a reflector post hit our right mirror and bent it forward. At first we didn't notice it had scraped all along the right side of the Airstream. Arrgh. We made it to Santa Fe about 1, and to the camp about 1:30, still hoping to find two sites available. With amazing luck, or maybe Mom and Shelly's prayers, we got two of the best sites in the park. # 34 and 35. They are non reservable, so we can stay up to 14 days.
Shelly made spare ribs, asparagus, and stuffing for lunch. I hiked up black canyon trail, and came back to light a fire.
We sat by the fire until about 7, and decided to play Yahtzee. I kept telling everyone "I have skill" , trying to change my luck. I guess it worked, because I got 4 Yahtzees, and won! We slept great again, and woke up to a beautiful sunny morning. 

Friday, July 10.
We drove into Santa Fe to buy groceries and show the town to mom and dad. We went to the Walmart on the south end of town. I needed a card reader for the iPad and found one at Best Buy. We stopped at Smith's for perishables and dad and I went to habitat for humanity. Back at camp, Shelly made potato soup. I hiked to Hyde park up to the waterfall. It actually has water falling this year, and is nice. They have had a lot of rain this year also. Back to camp, we played Yahtzee again, and this was Shelly's night. She rolled 3 Yahtzees and won! 

Saturday, July 11
Shelly and I wanted to try the casinos here, but mom and dad did not, so we drove out to buffalo thunder casino. I was down about $10, and Shelly was down about $5, when I won $60. We played for a few more minutes, but still came out about $35 ahead. We stopped at Camel Rock casino and lost $15 more. It is still more fun when we are using their money. Back at camp, we ate potato soup, zucchini, and salad. We talked with Karen from Granbury. She is in a newer Airstream across from us. We drove up to the ski area to show the area to mom and dad.
Mom and dad overlooking Sante Fe
Shelly and mom
The tent caterpillars had destroyed a huge area of aspen trees, but we read where the aspens usually survive.
Back in camp, we got mom and dad ready to leave tomorrow, and played Yahtzee again. Shelly and dad were both doing great and we knew they were close, but dad had two Yahtzees, and Shelly only had one. Shelly had one roll left, and rolled a Yahtzee on the first roll! Dad still won by 12 points, but it was exciting.